Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Harry, we're really doing it!"

So school has started. I have children who ask millions of questions, many of which I have no idea how to answer. I feel overwhelmed and excited and already somewhat burdened with how I can bring the reader out of some of my struggling children. Been reading like it's my job (oh wait, it is), and soon discovering that there are so many things out there to try that I can't expect to get to them all.

At the new teacher orientation I watched a video on the increasing need for more technology and it moved me. Our world's a changin' and it's hard to admit that most of my students are coming to me with more technology experience than I can fathom. Watching elementary kids mastering their little palm pilots and smart boards and alpha readers was quite humbling.

Still working on getting a computer with Internet in the old classroom. Then, we conquer the world.

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