Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hogwarts and Celebrations

This week is National Teen Read week and I am excited for the festivities to begin. I put my Leopard Reach to work asking them to be my promotions team for this event. They created a commercial and helped pick out the spirit day for Thursday. This Thursday we are dressing like our favorite book character. I am knitting a Gryffindor scarf because I am going to be Hermione Granger from the ever so popular Harry Potter series. I have found myself totally engrossed in my creation of this costume. I'll bring a camera and share the masterpieces next blog post.

On a more tech note I have introduced me class to Blackboard and they are eager to begin posting to the discussion board. They seemed excited when we were in the lab learning the site and since have asked questions about when they would be able to post again.

1 comment:

Miss Harrelson said...

Sara - all this sounds so exciting - but my question is, how are you finding time for all of it? Nice job! - Emily