Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is Anybody Listening to Me?

So I think the kids have stopped listening when I speak. Literally, one minute after explaining how to save a picture to the share drive, three students hands shoot up, "How do I save this?" "Where we supposed to put these pictures when we find 'em?" "I don't know what to do next." Really, I just demonstrated and spent 5 minutes explaining the process. I even had a few students repeat it back to me and you STILL don't know how to save a picture?

This leads me to my next pondering question? Why do students think repeating my name over and over, raising in volume, is going to make me come to their side faster? Especially when I've given them the one minute finger as I speak with another student. If I never hear my name repeatedly again, I'd be okay.

"Mrs. Jaeger. Mrs. Jaeger. Mrs. Jaeger. Oohhhh Mrs. Jaeger. Mrs. J. Mrs.... Teacher."


Zachbot3000 said...

You may feel like students don't listen to you but the fact that one student remembered my name is considered a break through in my mind. Give him 20 bonus points.

Glen! said...

That was me in elementary school... and then I would end up hitting someone, then I received the attention I deserved.