Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer School

Started summer school this week. I did not enjoy last year's experience but was optimistic about this year and teaching within my content area. I have incoming 6th graders so only weeks ago, these kids were 5th graders. They are very different than the group I just left that are headed to 8th grade. I took so many things for granted, but with these young ones I have to teach just about everything. Yesterday we had a 10 minute circular discussion about where to indent in a friendly letter. They couldn't believe that they had to think of three people to write to and then write different letters to each person. They complained of hand cramps and that they didn't know what to write. I thought I was a pretty nurturing person, but maybe not after the last couple of days. I really want to say, "tough it out, kid, this is sixth grade." But instead, I kneel down beside them and in my best elementary voice, try to coax them into trying one more time.

Their letters resembled something like this:

Deer Mom,

How are you? I am good. I am writing becaze my summa school teacher says I have too. Right back to me and tell me your faverite memmory about me.

Summer School Sixth Grader

Deep, I know.


Emily said...

God bless you! I would have trouble with kiddos that young!!

Tyler said...

My God girl! Do they not teach these childern to spell? How about writing to their grandmother or heck the president. They could ask him where does all that money come from he keeps giving away? They could write a letter to their Mom and Dad and thank them for the video games and cell phones. How about writing a letter to the teacher thanking her for her patience. Or Not!

Geri said...

You have some serious work to do. What is the best approach??

Bld424 said...

Sounds like some real pre-writing activities are in store for these kids!

Plus some hard core editing.