Friday, September 28, 2007

Type Gripes

So apparently it is a big no no to require students to type their final drafts. I am assigning my students a book review. These are sixth graders and were talking two well- written paragraphs. I was told from on high that I couldn't make it mandatory. I guess hand writing your final copy sets students up for success on the MAP test. What about for the rest of their lives? I can't remember the last time I sat down to draft a paper and hand wrote my thoughts. Word Processors are a tool that helps students write more clearly, professionally and aid in the revision process. I understand some kiddos don't own a computer but isn't that why there are hundreds of computers available for use in our building?

I have an issue with this, as you can tell from my rant. We're not preparing kids for the realities of technological literacies now and in the future! There kids are already familiar, they have a MySpace, IM account, and e-mail regularly. Why don't we tap into these arenas of literacy????

Speaking of kids and technology. is a site that many of my students use as an e-mail server. I checked it out last night out of curiosity and am appalled! Who is helping these kids to be responsible users of the new technological age?

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