Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seventh grade = so nice

Can I just tell you what a difference an extra year makes? You know as last year came to a close, I wondered if looping (the term for teaching the same set of students two years in a row) was all that great of an idea. I was at my wits end and the kids were bouncing off the walls in anticipation of summer. Then summer came and did what summers are supposed to do for the heart of a teacher, it healed me. It soothed the frustration, refreshed the vision, and gave me the energy and perspective I needed to keep going. I came back more alive than when I'd left.
My students, now seventh graders have grown up. They remember things from last year that I taught them. They can execute a seamless warm-up routine, they have progressed!!!
In addition to performing better, my students seem more interested in the curriculum, the world, me. I get student e-mails frequently with questions and comments and those chain mail forwards. When I told kids about the tap project they perked up with excitement. 50 kids signed up to be a part of this project. 50- that's half my students! I am excited to see what this year holds, I am eager to see the progression of the tap project at Smithton and hopefully Columbia. I am loving my seventh graders!


Zachbot3000 said...

YOUR BACK! I was starting to get worried. I must admit that I was skeptical as well when it came to staying with the same grade. It always seemed like a good idea in theory but I was always worried about what happened to a teacher who got sick of the kid, but as I learned today, that's what summer is for. It is cool to hear that it is going really well. I would love to hear about the pre-service teachers in here sometime too!

Oreste said...

Hello Sara, a kiss from Rome. Ciao