Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Major Debate

Bangs or no bangs? Would I hate having them in my eyes? Would they get gross and sweaty when I worked out? What if I look like my childhood self where my bangs were so heavy they started halfway back on my head (not a good look for anyone over the age of 8)? I've been debating this for a while and I go back and forth over the issue. Hmmmm. I would have to get more frequent haircuts with bangs which would be more moolah on hair care. I don't think Chris would like that. Oh, what's a girl to do?

1 comment:

Middle Name Marie said...

get bangs. they are so hot right now. get the first round done at a nice salon (i always enjoying Kelani whilst in COMO. Then get the trims done at Great Clips for 5 bucks every 90 days or so!