Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ants Go Marching Two by Two

Let me preface this post with the statement, my husband and I are really clean people. We take good care of our apartment and are careful not to leave food out and sweep up regularly. Especially after our little mouse scare (see Jaeger's Little House of Horrors post from earlier this year).

With that said, tonight I witnessed, for the second time, one of the most bizarre and gross things I've seen in my twenty-four years. On my way to brush my teeth for the evening, I was greeted by a solid line of ants marching from our bathroom baseboard, to a random spot in our bedroom. The ants were moving in a small swarm so that when you looked at the carpet, there was a solid black line that appeared to be wiggling its way across the carpet. I know, sick.

We'd seen it once before this fall. It had rained and the same disgusting phenomenon happened. We did what any grossed out renter would do, we got out the vacuum, sucked those puppies up, and tried our darnest to forget the whole event.

Tonight, after the mass killing of thousands of innocent ants (wrong place, wrong time) we plugged the small gap between our bathroom base board and the tile with toilet paper. Classy, I know. Tomorrow, we'll notify the landlord about our infestation.

Until this little issue gets cleared up, I am no longer throwing my go to sweatpants on the floor. Don't want a little ants in my pants surprise when I put them on next.


LWLH said...

Ugh I hate bugs and insects!

Anonymous said...

It seems like no matter how clean you are those stupid pests are unavoidable especially in apartments. I always wonder how the heck they even manage to find their way to certain apartments. Are they sniffing it out? Or do the see you walking inside to your place and think hmmmm I bet they have a nice pad, let's move out solders!?

Kristen said...

Sara Sara Sara.

Imagine this. Termites are eating my room. And I mean to the point that I'm afraid I'll one day wake up with half of my arm missing. Good things termites only eat wood.

They form this brown "dirt" tunnels and when I got back from Kenya there were tunnels all over my room, making strange patterns. If you break apart the tunnel, you can see the little termites making their way through the tunnels.

Wait wait the good part. I was complaining to my Ugandan friend and she was like "you don't like them?" as she slowly pulls off a chunk of crisp dirt and eats it. could always eat them???