Saturday, April 18, 2009

Do you remember...

...when all you ever wore was cotton and spandex? I was driving home Friday, at 3:50 PM. Which meant that I sat in Mill Creek Elementary traffic. As I silently wished I'd left work a few minutes earlier, I couldn't help but notice that all the children pouring out of the school and into the cross walk were happily wearing sweats and stretch pants. Not a single pair of jeans walked by. It made me wish that I could still wear yoga like pants day in and day out. Jeans and dress pants are so restricting, aren't they? Oh to be in fifth grade again and indulge in the comfort of stirrup pants . Sigh.


Middle Name Marie said...

I think it is weird how all kids wear now-a-days are sweatpants, etc. Yes, I am a little envious of the comfort that the pants provide, but I remember wanting to dress my best in middle school. My kids come in like hobos in sweatpants and house shoes almost daily. I think Old Navy is making a killing on designer sweatpants. Looks like the show"What Not to Wear" will be on for a long time--teaching the upcoming generation how to dress for the working world!

Emily said...

You know you sported the multi-colored umbro shorts back in the day!