Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Agony of Waiting...

It's spring break. I should be sipping a strawberry daiquiri on the beach while reading some delicious novel I've been putting off all school year. I am not. I am sitting in my apartment in Columbia, Missouri. I am waiting to hear back from CPS today about whether or not my position will be absorbed in this tax levy venture the district is currently involved in. April 8th a vote will go down that pretty much decides my fate. I went to the MOEJO job fair last Tuesday and interviewed with several schools. So far, Centralia has offered me a sixth grade language arts position. Columbia Independent school is interested and just has to have me teach a lesson with their students before they can officially offer. My principal has been great and is checking with administration about the status of Language Arts teachers to find out if he can extend a contract to me. (This would be my first choice)

Today, I have to call Centralia and tell them yes or no. It depends on many factors and I hate all the uncertainty surrounding next year. I've never had to play this waiting game before where you say yes or no without fully knowing all your options. I don't like it one bit. The good thing is that by the end of today, I should know a little bit more about my future professional endeavors. For now, I wait.

1 comment:

Rainman said...

Hi, I'm Jeff. My wife is currently student teaching in Columbia and wants desperately to be a first year teacher here next year. So we, too, are eagerly awaiting the tax levy results. Good luck to us all! Love your blog. I will show it to her.