Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Gonna get something started"

Well, I just started my new book clubs. I love book clubs because it combines my favorite things: books and talking. My students are all reading some book that has to do with social injustice. We're learning about the Holocaust, Civil Rights, South African Apartheid, Arabs and Kurds, and Japanese Internment. I have to admit that it's a stretch for me since I am not a social studies expert but I learn as I go and have no choice but to challenge kids to look into finding answers to their own questions since I usually do not have them myself.

I'm already amazed at what they do know and what they don't know. Some of them have heard of the crisis in Darfur but they have little understanding or knowledge. Many of them are familiar withe the holocaust but some were shocked to hear that Nazis actually killed the Jews they imprisoned.

Next Wednesday and Thursday we'll be in the computer lab doing some initial research. I created a makeshift web quest for them to use when researching their conflict in history. I realize that some background is crucial if they are to understand the heavy implications of these periods in time where people hated people so much they would discriminate, torture, or even kill them.

I'm planning on using the discussion board for book discussions of the group novels. I feel like I am throwing a lot at them at once but I want them to engage in conversations outside book club meetings and my research does revolve around that online community I am trying to foster.

Oh, and on a side note, my resiliency has been renewed. We read an article for Mental Health Issues about teacher resiliency in urban public schools. The article outlines some characteristics of the resilient teacher. The list inspired me to quit the negative talk, the frustration towards kids, and I've decided to shut up and take action when I don't like the way things are going. The blame game is so easy in education and teachers like to play the victim. Being the victim doesn't help that struggling reader comprehend, being the victim doesn't change the superintendent's stance on policy in your district, being the victim doesn't accomplish much. I will not play the role of victim. This little teacher is gonna act!

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