Monday, April 7, 2008

The Wait is Over

Well, I get to stay. My principal told me the good news last Thursday and I am relieved to say the least. I am really glad I get to stay with the kids and get to stay in my trailer, I can't imagine what it would be like to move the mountains of stuff I have drug into that room!

I went to Barnes and Nobel this weekend, in need of a little professional pick me up. When ever I get that way I peruse the professional literature section at the back of the store. I flipped through a book called something like Underpaid and Overworked. It was pretty depressing and I soon put it down. I found solace in a book about the seven things that make a teacher effective.

The one thing that stuck me the most in this book was that effective teachers are proactive rather than reactive. I like to think of myself as a proactive teacher, however, after looking at some vignettes in the book I think I might be a bit more reactive than I originally would have thought. It got me thinking about management and some of my frustrations with the little misbehavior of my class. I even resorted to shushing the students when the inevitable murmur grows to a dull roar. It brought me back to my management roots and I've been cracking down, preteaching, and reteaching ever since my revival.

So much to think about at the end of the year. Tomorrow they take the MAP and I am looking forward to two mornings of silence to work on my research paper, grade, plan, etc. I have enjoyed the quiet moments when everyone is working and productive.

So, anyway, Smithton is here to stay. I am happy.

I am seeking out information on being an emints teacher for the upcoming fall.

1 comment:

Zachbot3000 said...

Yahoo for map testing. I am coming on Friday for a marathon if that is okay? Get some cheap lunch. Toast some chocolate milks as we celebrate you staying at Smithon. We can shish some kids together!